‼️Attention Startups in Germany‼️
How a broken xerox machine can explain the stereotype content model
Create pilot safety with Data Storytelling
Every presentation ever...
Testing Chat GPT
When your audience decides to "sit tight and assess" instead of taking action...
Just one of these days down the rabbit hole...
Check out to see why data storytelling is on the rise!
The demand to communicate data through stories is on the rise!!
The 10 major hurdles for data-PR (=data storytelling)...
How to bring more depth into your presentation with a quick tweak… 🛠️
This is why language matters!
Do you know why John Snow is an important character in the data storytelling world?
What can we learn from the show “Last week tonight with John Oliver”
Lose your logo in your presentation template, now!
How can we bridge the data story gap in commercial forecasts?
Information overload is impacting us more than we know.
Why do you need to watch Nemo to make a good presentation? 🐠
Do you remember the kids game Chinese Whisper?
Is it me? Am I the villain?? 🦹🏻♀️